Saturday, April 15, 2017

Chris Paul and 6 thoughts on the NHL/NBA Playoffs

In 2002 I was in 5th or 6th grade. I would wake up every morning, eat pancakes, shower as quickly as I could, and go down stairs to watch SportsCenter before school started.

After school I would run home from the bus stop (I was a nerd and ran home until 8th grade I think-- The cool kids walked because they were in no hurry) and pour myself a bowl of cereal and watch SportsCenter. I sat on a left over piece of square carpet so I didn't spill any milk on the real carpet. One day I sportscaster ran this special on a high school point guard who scored 61 points to honor is grandfather who was murdered:

I was instantly hooked. I became a Chris Paul fan and watched as many of his games as I could. CP went to college at Wake Forest, playing in the ACC on a team not as popular as the Duke's or North Carolinas, but they always competed. I recorded many of his games and still have them to this day. You can even see tapes of Nate Robinson, John Stockton, and JJ Redick. My brother and I would always watch Chris Paul and JJ Redick tapes on the VCR, rewinding and pausing after every bucket.

I'm became a CP fan because I loved how an undersized point guard could change a game with crossovers, floaters, and assists. He played the way I wanted to play. Fans are drawn to certain players for some reason. Maybe it's the way they play, but there is usually something more...

Maybe his short temper: I was also known to have a short temper and toss the occasional chair a la Bobby Knight when a referee missed a blatant trip.

Or the way he sometimes speaks his mind: I remember being outspoken about how I hated how the tallest kid on my high school team would flop and get charges in practice. "He should be blocking my shot. not flopping!"

But other than those things, it is obviously the way he plays:

I remember watching the NBA draft hoping the Jazz would Draft CP so that he could play for a team 30 Minutes away from my house. I was never a jazz fan but I would have quickly become one. My dad said we would have even gotten season tickets (who knows?)

The Jazz drafted Deron Williams and Paul was drafted a pick later to the New Orleans Hornets. I can never cheer for the jazz now, but I don't necessarily blame them for taking Williams. They made the playoffs, and even went to the conference finals. But it was and always will be clear to me that CP is the better point guard. Most Jazz fans can agree with me now.

I've been watching since then, waiting for the success. I asked for NBA league pass for Christmas so I could watch every game. I had the jersey's, the shoes, the basketball cards. My friends even made fun of me for standing up during Hornets games until they scored. When CP was traded I vowed to stay with the Pelicans. I can't just bail on a team I've been cheering on for many years. But I still find myself cheering for CP and the Clippers just because I've been a fan of the guy for so long. Equal to the Lebron Fans who flip flopped from the Cavss to Heat and back to the Cavs.

But the success hasn't happened. My friend sent me a tweet a couple months ago saying something like "The only two teams who haven't made the western conference finals since 2001" with a picture of the Hornets and Clippers. I hate to admit that CP's great career won't seem as great without a Finals appearance, or even escaping the second round, but that is how sports works. It doesn't discount he's a hall of fame point guard, but something will be missing.

So here we go again. My hopes are as low as ever. I honestly think they will beat the jazz and get then get swept or lose to five in the Warriors series. If they can give the warriors run. I'll be happy. If they win. I'll be singing I've got a Golden ticket clicking my heels around my living room.

So to all the fans of all the players who haven't won... good luck this playoffs.

Now for something different...

The NBA and NHL playoffs are unlike anything else. Sports fans love both these playoffs because they give us two months of extremely competitive, highs takes games. Every quarter matters. The fools who think that the NBA is full of lazy, overpaid stars just have to shut up and watch the greatness.

Here are some thoughts I'm having upcoming NHL and NBA playoffs.

1. Cant wait until overtime hockey. Update: It happened day one. Minnesota Wild scored with 30+ seconds left in the game to force OT. Nothing like playoff hockey. Update: It happened again. Another goal in the last 30 seconds to force OT. Again, Nothing like playoff hockey!

2. Clippers are definitely going to lose second round (probably swept) and I may have to throw my tv out of the window.

3. Can anyone stop the Blackhawks? They lost game one but no one seems to be worried. They were behind last year to the blues and forced a game 7. Chicago is my favorite team to watch... but anything can happen in the NHL playoffs. Last year I bet them to repeat and win it all. I was absolutely devastated at the double post in game 7. Fun fact, Blackhawks lost and then half an hour later Chris Paul broke his hand against the Trailblazers. That day ruined the playoffs for me.

4. This is not the Caps year. Are they the clippers of the NHL? They are expected to make a run every year... and it never happens. hmmm.

5. I don't want a golden state v. Cleveland rematch. I want LA clippers vs. Cavs. Seems like a few sports fans have been wanting too see Clippers (CP and Blake) v. Lebron ever since he was on the heat. I think that would make for the most entertaining finals. Two friends going at it. A clippers team much like the cubs who went forever without winning. I feel like Smalls in the outfield with my eyes closed and glove up. Please happen! Please happen! Hopefully the basketball gods can hit one straight into my glove.

6. I just listened to the Bill Simmons podcast and he talks about Chris Paul being hated. I think Simmons was referring to him being more of a pest and an annoyance. When did people start hating him? I think its when he started playing with the clippers. Too many polarizing people on one team. Doc, Blake, and CP. All I ever read and heard growing up was how great of a guy he was. One of my high school teammates was being recruited by Wake Forest. I approached the recruit and said I was a huge CP fan... the recruit just talked about how great of a person he was. The narrative has seemed to change that he is a good, nice guy to he is an annoying pest. They are probably both true.

By the way I'm picking all the top seeds to advance to the second round. No upsets.

Let me know your thoughts on Chris Paul, NBA/NHL playoffs in comments or tweet   @ejrios3

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